Valerio Antonini, CEO and founder of Quanton Commodities

Valerio Antonini is an Italian global commodities trader and entrepreneur. He is the CEO and founder of Quanton Commodities Ltd, an agricultural trading firm, specialising grains, coffee, and cocoa with an international presence in over 20 countries.Antonini has an established track record in agricultural commodities trading. Between 2018 and 2019, Valerio himself traded over 4.5 million tons of grains and over 6.7 million tons of agricultural commodities, for international and national companies in the food industry, governments, international trading houses.

Valerio Antonini in numbers

Valerio has traded with over 30 countries
Valerio has managed 50 million tons of agricultural commodities worldwide
million tons of grains traded
6.7 million tons of agricultural commodities traded

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